Create a prototype
You now have a good framing of the current journey for your service and opportunities to improve.
So, you can now use the service pattern most applicable to what users are trying to do, to design a better journey.
Use the pattern to create a prototype that follows the optimal journey described below. Respond to the service prompts and considerations in the flow document.
The best way to use the service pattern is to start by prototyping. Prototyping gives valuable feedback to shape how services and detailed interactions need to work.
A prototype should be a visual, tangible or functional representation of an idea.
When organising a service around the needs of users, prototyping is important for deciding what works and what’s missing.
Prototyping can be as simple as sketching the ideal journey with paper and pen. This low fidelity method will give you valuable feedback on user interaction and also what is possible from a tech perspective.
Find out more about prototyping by reading Future Gov’s blog.